Kelli Shrader
Cass Carrier:
Kelli Shrader, forever rocker, non-profit starter and awesome momma.
1. Tell us a little about your current work and/or passion project.
Currently, I am a full-time Mom, which I am grateful that I have been able to do during the pandemic. My passion project is raising money for the non-profit my husband and I started, Pimali Foundation 100% of the money we raise goes directly to a hospitality school that our dear friends opened in Thailand giving underprivileged and orphaned youth amazing career opportunities. I am looking forward to being able to have an in-person fundraiser event again soon!
2. What inspires you to do what you do?
My boys (12 and 14) are my inspiration! I don't want to miss anything because I will blink and they will be grown and out of the house. The inspiration for raising money for Pimali speaks for itself: helping others in need.
3. What have you reconnected with during the pandemic? And what have you let go?
Family exercise. We took up tennis during the pandemic. Now we all play, both boys play in tournaments and Holden is trying out for the high school team.
Let go? Well, I'm still trying to let go of my stretchy pants!
4. Name a song that revs you up and one that calms you down.
Rev up: “Good Day” by Ice Cube
Calm down: “Feel It All Around” by Washed Out (Portlandia theme song)
5. What outfit do you feel most authentically you in?
Rock and roll t-shirt, bell bottoms, platform shoes, oversized sunnies and my Cassie! 70's are my jam.
6. What are the “must-haves” in your bag (CASS or not)?
Hand sanitizer, my purse hook so my Cassie doesn't ever touch the floor, sunscreen and mints.
Off The Cuff:
Rock Or Rap? Both!
Ocean, Mountain Or Lake? Ocean
Beer, Wine Or Cocktail? Cocktail. (Dry martini with Armstrong jalapeno stuffed olives, to be specific.)
Facetime or Phonetime? Phonetime. Or Facetime if I've glammed up.
Exercise Nay Or Yah? Yah! Helps the mood.
Butter Or Olive Oil? Olive Oil (but Kerrigold butter if I am not watching calories)
Tea Or Coffee? Coffee!
Pen Or Pencil? Pen
Nude Or painted lips? Kopari Lip Glossy
Newspaper, NPR or no news? Currently, no news is good news.
Dark Or Milk Chocolate? Wine (I prefer to drink my dessert)
Thank you Kelli!